License suspensions after a DUI charge or conviction

Date: March 20, 2018  Posted in: Driver's License Suspension/Revocation  Comments: 0

Washington motorists who are taken into custody for a DUI could be subject to a drivers license suspension. However, an individual may ask for a hearing within 20 days of the incident. If the hearing examiner upholds the appeal, the driver will keep his or her license. If the appeal is denied, the license suspension will last from 90 days to two years, and it will start 60 days after a person is taken into custody.

It is worth noting that a person who is convicted of DUI in court could still be subject to a license suspension. A suspension will last anywhere from 90 days to four years, and the length will be based on the driver’s prior record as well as the severity of the crime. Drivers will receive credit for any time that their license was suspended after being taken into custody.

If a driver’s motor vehicle license is suspended for a DUI conviction, the penalty will start 45 days after the Department of Licensing (DOL) receives notice of the conviction. A driver may ask the DOL to ensure that the court has provided it with accurate information. However, there is no way to ask that the conviction or suspension be reduced or overturned.

driver’s license suspension is just one of many penalties a driver could receive after a DUI conviction. Other punishments include fines, community service and jail time. However, an attorney may be able to review a case and help create a defense. For instance, an attorney might argue that a client was not over the legal blood alcohol limit when charged. Other defenses could include casting doubt on physical evidence or witness testimony.


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