
About Us


We fell in love and all that Shazizzle…then we learned we may not be able to have kids of our own.  It was crushing. True, Aaron had the girls, and Nicole had Gus. But there was a hole and so much pain…until we met Finn. Finn brought color, love, and purpose. He is truly the most remarkable dog you will ever meet. His eyes melt you, and his demeanor will amaze you. He is sweet, playful, gentle, and so incredibly obedient that it is really not fair to other dogs. We fell in love so hard that we knew that Finn had been given to us for a reason. We began dreaming of how we could share him, share our passion for living life full of that feeling that you get when you are one with your puppy, and in that place Shazizzle Farms was born. Our dream is that the Farm will serve as an oasis for those who want to live large with their pups. We want our Pet Therapy to become yours. Our property to be shared, experienced, and enjoyed by you and your puppies in all seasons and times of life. 



The girls, the boys, and us…It’s probably not fair but all of our pups are referred to as “the boys.” Why? Well, when we asked the girls if they were okay with us having more kids they approved it…on one condition: that we only have boys. So as we grow our family, we are staying true to our word. We only have boys (well, and the two girls…).

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